Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Little Ray Of Sunshine

The rain that has saturated things the last couple of days has moved off...for now, anyway. 

We awoke to some lovely sunshine beginning to pierce through a bit of mist, which has turned into some wholesale nice morning now.  There is sunshine pouring through the windows at the moment.

Boo yah!

The mid-spring flowers have begun blooming, including these along our driveway.  All the windows are open in the sunroom, and birdsong is streaming in from all sides around the house.

It's a beautiful day here.  Think I'll finally go out this morning to get my herbs and flowers potted for my porch gardens. 

I like to keep a nice, big pot or two of fresh herbs by the kitchen door all summer.  That way, I can grab what I need as I'm cooking and have fresh flavor instead of dried. 

This year, I'm going to try and plant them in pots that I can bring in the sunroom for the winter.  

We'll see how that works -- but I'm especially keen to have fresh rosemary winter over inside if possible.  I'm not so great at keeping rosemary -- it likes to have dry feet, and I probably water a bit too much for its liking.  But I'm going to try, because fresh rosemary is one of my favorites for year-round cooking.

We're supposed to get another thunderstorm this afternoon, so I'd better make the best of the good weather while we have it.

(Photo is my own.)

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