Monday, May 3, 2010

Destiny Calling? Or Just A Wrong Number?

Ever have one of those nights where you are utterly exhausted, but sleep will not come? 

That was me last night, tossing and turning and trying to shut my brain off to no avail, thoughts racing through and no end in sight.  As much as I tossed and turned, I didn't reach any good answers to any of my questions before a fitful sleep finally came.

I'm at that point where I need to make changes, need to push forward toward new goals, but my own doubts and fears are holding me back.  And I'm frozen in far too many ways as a result. 

How is it possible that at 41, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up?  Is it just me, or do other people struggle with this, too?

So many choices, with a narrowing window of time to do them all as life ticks away my remaining years.

Carpe diem at warp speed.

Having already been a fairly successful trial attorney who helped send murderers and various other criminals to jail, and then a political analyst whose work ended up getting her invited on White House conference calls and discussions with members of the House and Senate?  Where do I go from there, honestly?

Except I don't want to move backward.  I want to find some way forward to the next step.

Today, I will find a way to push through to the next level.  And mark off a few things on the "to do" list while I'm at it.

One foot in front of the other today. 

(Evocative shot via lrargerich.  Love it.)


barbara said...

i don't know whether this will comfort or disturb you, but I am more than 20 years your senior, and i still don't know what the hell i want to be in the unlikely event that i ever grow up.

your gift package includes exceptional thinking and writing. no mistake about that. and leading.

be gentle with yourself, christy. really. i hear the clock ticking, too. loudest in the middle of the freakin' night. learned long ago that when sleep will not come, must shift gears and rise. good time for a wee stroll through the peaceful house.

blah, blah, blah.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Well, as we all know, patience is one of my many virtues. (HA) Thanks, Barbara -- I'll certainly try to take the advice on being gentle with myself to heart. I forget to do that a lot.

And today, I'm afraid it shows. Oh well...tomorrow is another day...yadda yadda yadda...