Friday, April 16, 2010

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And...Time To Add Some Flowers

Yesterday afternoon, The Peanut and I visited a local garden center -- Freed's Greenhouse just outside Shinnston, WV. It's a wonderful place -- I counted at least 6 different types of mint, and 4 types of sage just in a quick glance through the herbs.

We get our tomato plants here every year because they carry heirloom varieties I can't find elsewhere.  Same with peppers.

I've been looking for some arugula plants -- my seeds didn't get into the ground as early as usual this year, and I'm having to pay the penalty for the first crop by snagging plants instead.  We found some, plus a 6 pack of some lovely mesclun mix, both of which will get popped into the little Square Foot garden plot this morning.

We also found a few more herbs, including some lovely French tarragon that will get potted up today as well if I can get time.  I do a couple of large pots of herbs every year that sit just outside my kitchen door -- it makes all the difference for fresh cooking all summer long.  They are generally really hardy and easy to grow, too, so they would be great for a beginning gardener.

While we were there, the lovely flowers caught the eye of my little magpie.  She immediately insisted that her garden needed flowers.

She wanted some of the marigolds that she loved last year.  Instead, we picked up some johnny jump-ups and some allyssum to bloom their way through spring until we can get past our frost free date in May.

Those will get planted this morning, too, much to the delight of our local bees, I'm sure.

Yesterday, I finally got my snow pea and radish seeds, along with some more carrots and onions, tucked in here and there.  My snow pea and radish seeds had gone missing, and had to wait until I could get to the store and get more.  This year, I vow to be more organized.  (No, really, I swear...)

I'm hoping to get my perennials in the ground this morning, too.  We have a thunderstorm in the forecast for this evening, and I'd like them settled in before the rain if at all possible.  I'll get done what I can and hope for the best for the rest, I suppose.

I love this time of year.

(Lovely johnny jump-up shot via Caffinara.  Ours are just this color, too, and The Peanut loves them.)

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